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First Line Friday (Because aren't first lines exciting?)

"A bright star shone outside the castle window and the Prince's Fairy Godmother
appeared. . ."

"Fairy Godmother, eh?"

"She waved her magic wand and said, "Your wish is granted."

"Very neat! . . .I don't suppose I've got a Fairy Godmother? By any chance?"

From Barnaby by Crockett Johnson


This collection introduces Mr. O'Malley to the Baxter family (although only Barnaby believes in his Fairy Godfather). Barnaby and O'Malley visit a child psychologist, appear on the radio, inadvertently undermine a test blackout and expose a "Hot Coffee Ring" (the action takes place during the Second World War, when coffee was rationed). We also meet McSnoyd, Gorgon, Jane, and Gus. Read More 
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